News & Resources
EEOC Issues New FAQs on COVID-19 Vaccine Programs & Incentives
The EEOC added new FAQs to its existing guidance on how employers should comply with the ADA while observing all applicable emergency workplace safety guidelines
IRS Issues Guidance on American Rescue Plan’s COBRA Subsidy
The IRS has issued a guidance document on the ARPA subsidy for COBRA coverage. The link to the guidance is included in this bulletin, including
IRS FAQs on COBRA Subsidies Under the ARP
As a follow-up to the most recent compliance bulletin, this notice provides the full list of FAQs provided by the IRS regarding COBRA subsidies under
HSA/HDHP Limits Increase for 2022
The IRS released the inflation-adjusted limits for HSA and HDHPs for plan years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2022.
DOL Updates Q&As on COVID-19 and FMLA
The DOL has updated its COVID-19 and FMLA Q&A webpage. The updates reorient the Q&As toward employees and add info on leave under the FFCRA.
Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) & Mental Health Parity (MHPAEA) FAQs
The MHPAEA was amended by the CAA to provide additional protections for patients. This update outlines FAQs related to these updated protections.
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